this series was created for an art show at the mchuge house in downtown calgary.
my friend cheri markovich, who is also a calgary-based artist, suggested we do a show together. i was excited to collaborate and thrilled to step out of my comfort zone – i hadn’t done an art show since my years at the alberta college of art and design.
there was a meeting of the minds. with a bit of liquid courage, the title want was born.
the pieces for this series are mounted on cedar canvases. they are created from yupo, alcohol, ink, and fire. using evocative colour combinations, i let the fluidity of the ink guide me. each piece is finished with an epoxy resin.
i’d just gotten a library card, and i’d signed out the collected works of edgar allen poe. the dark, whimsical, and mysterious tone of poe’s writing found its way into my creative process. as a result, the titles in this collection reference the work of edgar allen poe.
many of these pieces were sold at the show in 2019, but there are still a few available.
please email wes.thom@gmail.com with inquiries.